Sidra | New Lynn

The best thing that happened to me last week was I went for my 12-week scan, as I’m having a baby, and I saw the little baby moving around.

I just couldn’t believe how active it was, even though it’s just 12 weeks. I just felt a connection already. So, that was very exciting.

I’m working at the moment – obviously looking forward to having a baby. It’s been nine years since I had my first one. Last year was quite tough for me. There are lots of things that I lost, but this year, you know, I’m looking forward to just gaining, and family-wise taking each day with a grain of salt.

New Zealand has been home for 21 years. Before that, I was in the Middle East, and I guess the most important thing to me is being satisfied with yourself and making sure that I’m always myself and I don’t allow anyone to change who I am, and what I do.

I had my first one when I was quite young, and you know, it was a rollercoaster. It was hard at times, but overall, now he’s almost nine and it’s been a lot of fun. I could not have asked for a better friend. We pretty much have grown up together, and we’re both looking forward to another one joining our little duo, becoming a trio.”


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